OK my friend Jelda asked what is BUNCO. It is a fun dice game. We have 12 people, so 3 tables of 4. We roll 3 dice, you & your partner count the six's you roll. Table 1 plays until they reach 20 & then that round is done. You follow instructions on the table as to what you do next, stay at table, go to next table, keep partners, change partners. A BUNCO is when you roll 3 of a kind. You keep track of the number of BUNCOs you roll, the number of games you win, high game score. And then sometime we have a special dice such as a red one, so then you keep track of red 6's. We all donate $5 and then at the end of the night prizes are awarded. We all have an index card & punch holes to keep track of things & then empty the punches onto the floor. A few times a year, we do couples BUNCO & then there are 24 of us.
When I went to Vegas, I went to the Gambler General Store & bought different colored dice as well as some with flamingos & some with gators
OK as a side note, I have learned how to do a brand new post to my BLOG from my phone, in fact this post is coming from my phone however what is not working for me is when I want to comment either in my own BLOG like to answer a question such as what is BUNCO or to post to a friends BLOG. Can anyone help?
OK thanks for being patient, I know this was an incredibly long post.
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