Tuesday, March 31, 2009


We had a BIG storm go through. I left work right before 3:30 PM, it looked so bad, I was just hoping to get to the parking garage. As soon as I got to my car, it poured! I sat there, got on FB real quick & then proceded to leave. As I was going round & round from level 5, the wind was furious & coming in sideways & reaching the center of the garage. Well, I got to the bottom, pulled out & it was hailing! I almost went back in the garage. The hail was marble size & the streets looked like a river. I went on & after a few minutes, the sun was peeking out. But I do not think the severe weather is finished.


  1. FaceBook in the parking garage? Uh-Oh you're addicted :)

  2. Yeah, I have become addicted...OK my excuse is I was waiting and hoping that the rain would die down!!!
