Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I had a really rough few days at work over the weekend, just very busy so I requested to Gill that we just set off to explore. The picture is Gill walking on the path to the fort site.

First up was Fort Cooper State Park, nice quiet little park. There is a very small lake, water level way down right now. The fort here was a temporary fort (16 days) to house wounded soldiers awaiting a relief column to come get them. They were in a battle with the Seminoles.

At the old fort site, was a very nice open area overlooking the lake. BIG BIG oak trees with moss hanging. There was a brisk breeze that was so nice and the music of swaying palms was relaxing. It was in the mid 60's so just perfect weather. There are over 60 kinds of Oak trees in the US, 24 in Florida and 9 in this state park. The most common oak here is the Live Oak.

We saw a red bellied woodpecker, some other birds and this beautiful cardinal.

I watched this pair of sand cranes swoop in over the lake, land for a few minutes and then take off in flight.

Then we went to Lake Griffin State Park, nothing really there. Nice campground and if you have a boat, a launch to put in to take Dead River to Lake Griffin. The one thing that they do have is the 5th largest oak in the state of Florida. It is over 300 years old, 10 feet in diameter, 83 feet high and a spread of 130 feet. It is BIG. Here is Gill at the base.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


Today is National Pancake Day. A lot of my UK DONNY.COM friends like pancakes with lemon. Gosh, I like chocolate chip pecan pancakes.

Well, today in the USA, you can get a free short stack at IHOP, all that is asked is that you consider a donation to Children's Miracle Network.

So go enjoy some delicious pancakes while helping the children in your area

Thursday, February 19, 2009

24 - The FOX TV Show

OK - Gill & I really like the TV show 24.

Well, last week when the President was asking Jack about his loyalty to the US, he replied "with all due respect Madam President, ask around"

AS IF anyone could doubt Jack's loyalty to the USA.

As a sidebar, in recent episodes we have seen the return of Choloe, Buchanan, & Tony (reserected from the dead). However this week we saw Choloe's husband (forgive me, his name escapes me, however I love his accent) & Aaron. I really like Aaron so that was such a nice surprise.

I can hardly wait for Monday to come.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


This is the cover of the book.

This is our Dreamsicle.

OK, I am not a big reader, although I have run across a few books that I like and I love to collect books!!! Well, Gill and I went into Borders this afternoon for tea, actually Gill got a chai tea latte and a cookie, we love to do this. We collect books and magazines to look at while we sit in the cafe. Well, Gill actually brought this book to me because of the cover, it looks like our Dreamsicle, I have seen this book but never actually picked it up and looked at it. Well, (OK I am using that word a lot in this post), I fell in love with it, so many of the pictures in it were exactly what our Dreamy does, the way he cuddles with Gill, sitting in a box, on the laptop or printer. There are several lists in the book, Dewey's likes and dislikes; the daily routine; rules for a cat who have a library to run and Dewey's job description and so many of them sound like our cats. After all we do have 7 of them and love every single one of them.

OH and by the way, Dewey is a cat who at only several weeks old was stuffed in the return book slot at the Spencer Public Library, Iowa on January 18, 1988. Dewey has brought a lot of joy to the residents just like our cats have brought a lot of joy to Gill and I.

So if you like or love cats, this is a must read, even though I have not read it as yet, I just bought it.

Onto another subject, last night on PBS, I watched David Foster and friends concert. I had seen the end of this before, it has been on PBS several times. Well what a great person!!! Next on my list (and I already checked this out at Borders) is his book, "Hitman", the DVD and CD of the one night concert in Las Vegas.

Saturday, February 14, 2009


May you have a special day with whomever your valentine is - hubby, wife, girlfriend, boyfriend, friend, Mother, Father, Grandfather, Grandmother, Brother, Sister, Aunt, Uncle, Son, Daughter, Grandson, Granddaughter, NIECE (I have 2 - Abby and Maddie), Nephew, cat (I have 7), dog, OK you get the idea, have a nice day with whomever is special right now in your life!!!

Friday, February 13, 2009


I have been on vacation this week and just taking it easy. My Mother left for home on Tuesday and I have been resting. Last week wore me out, I worked Sun and Mon and then worked the CMN radiothon Wed Thurs and Fri fro 6 AM to 7 PM. I went and worked in the CMN office for a few hours Wed afternoon. I enjoy helping and wish that I could do more.

Before my Mother left, we took her to Magnolia Park on the northside of Lake Apopka, we saw 12 peacocks there. They are so pretty.

Midnight is getting better however we are still keeping her inside until her antibiotic is completed.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009


My Mother flew back to Indiana today, I think there was a blizzard of 13 inches & then another fall of 3 - 4 inches while she was gone, however there was no more snow on the ground when she got home.

OK, on to the title of this BLOG post. Gill was gone this evening and when I stepped outside to get Dreamsicle in for the night. I could tell some of the cats were coming very quickly towards me, they sometimes do that however I soon realized why - coming very quickly across the patio was an approximately 4 foot long black snake & Dreamsicle, Belle & Missy were chasing it, well, I hurried & opened the sliding glass door & went inside!!

Then Michael got in on it & all 4 cats were trying to get it. I do not know what happened to the snake but a few minutes later, I did get Dreamsicle inside, we always bring him in at night.

Gill doesn't put much food outside for the cats, they now come inside to eat. That way, hopefully the critters will quit coming around.

Well, I think my heart is finally slowing down, that gave me a fright! That snake was moving fast!

Sunday, February 8, 2009


This was on the front page of our paper this morning. OK so after 93 years as a star (print) and 72 years as a movie star, I guess not everyone is safe in their job.

Saturday, February 7, 2009


The check!!!

This is the 9th radiothon and I have worked at all of them. I work in the phone bank, I collect the pledges, count the pledges when we are working for a special goal, answer questions and help in any way needed.

Mom (visiting from Indiana) came down every afternoon and stayed til the end, this is Mom with Dave and Leslye for Magic 107.7.

We just finished the Magic Cares for kids Radiothon for Children's Miracle Network. Even with this year being a questionable year for the economy we raised just over $250,000. We had fun and a good time and met some new children and revisited some we had heard from before. One very touching story is Gracyn at Shands on an artificial heart awaiting a transplant. Baby Jaxon was there Friday and it was so nice to see him and his family since I had taken care of him in the NICU.

Please visit the Magic website for podcasts, videos and pictures of the radiothon.

Thank you to all the staff at Magic 107.7 and Children's Miracle Network for all their hard work helping the children of central Florida. And to all the volunteers who answered the phones and helped with the radiothon.

Thursday, February 5, 2009


I went to Uncle Pete's Tuesday & picked Mom up, she will be here until Tuesday for a visit.

She came down yesterday afternoon and helped at the radiothon, she will come down each day & help.

All the cats are curious about her except Michael is very scared of her, not sure why.

Midnight is more active & seems to be getting better.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009


Midnight got her sutures out on Monday, however she has lost a lot of fur & the vet thinks she has another infection, so she is on another antibiotic.

The good news is that she does not need to wear the e-collar any longer.


OK, I work at this every year & today is day 1 of 3. We are broadcasting live 6 AM - 7 PM from Arnold Palmer Hospital for Children in Orlando, FL.